Japan is a majestically mountainous country surrounded by the ocean, lined with many waterways, and abundant in nature. As the country stretches some 3000 kilometres north to south, it encompasses a range of climates from subarctic to subtropical with four distinct seasons, meaning there is no shortage of activities to be enjoyed year round.
Spring time, March to May, is when the cherry blossoms bloom, with the first week of April hailing as the best time for viewing in the major cities of Tokyo and Kyoto. Viewing parties known as hanami are a popular way to admire the transient beauty of Japan’s iconic blooms.
Summer in Japan brings traditional festivals and firework displays, whereas Autumn brings the cooler crisper weather and the brilliant red and gold foliage known as Koyo. Late October to November is the peak time to view Koyo as the leaves change from the north and make their way southwards, painting the landscapes. Then all the ski junkies take their annual pilgrimage from around the world to descend on Japan for their powder snow and steaming onsens.